Dark Nights: DEATH METAL – How far to Dive in?

Reading time 3 minutes

Dark Nights: Death Metal is the Sequel to Dark Nights: Metal from 2017. This DC Comics event has shaped the DC Universe over the past few years and this current event promises to change it all forever.
The Main Issues of this event have been created by the team of Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia and Tom Napolitano.

DC Comics Formally Announces Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Fanboy SEO
Promotional Art by Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion & FCO Plascencia

These comic book events can often times have alot of supplementary tie-in comics and series. This article is not about the reading order, for that I recommend checking out this article be the great folks at How to Love Comics.
This post is our way to help you decide how deep to dive into this event.
We read all the tie-ins so you don’t have to, unless you want to.

The Main Core of the Story.
These 7 issues are the main part of the story, there is enough here in these issues for complete story, no extra reading just pure DEATH METAL
Dark Nights: Death Metal issues 1 – 7

Death Metal Issues 1 – 7

The Sounds of Death Metal!
The following issues are all one shots that although not immediately relevant to the main story, really allow the reader to understand certain events and references that the characters in the Main DEATH METAL title are experiencing. These titles could be seen as side quest that are consequential to the main story. None of these issues are an ongoing series but they directly affect our protagonists and antagonists.
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Legends of the Dark Knights
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Trinity Crisis
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Speed Metal
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Multiverse’s End
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Rise of the New God

The Coda of Doom
If you are in this deep and need more lets go on a SIDE QUEST
the issues below are part of an ongoing series and the events are directly related to DEATH METAL. The Events on this miniseries indirectly affect the characters and lead up to Death Metal issue #5
Justice League Issues 53 – 57 (2020) “DOOM METAL”
This story directly deals with the fate of the Legion of Doom during the Events of DEATH METAL. For a Full breakdown check out this article from DC Comics

Justice League #53 – 57

Turn it up to ELEVEN, and ROCK OUT
This level for the true completionists. If you are into the deep cuts these issues are for you. This is where the creators explore the backgrounds and motivations of everyone involved in the story. Explore the dark multiverse at your leisure. Although these titles do not directly impact the main story they add depth and substance.
Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Robin King
Dark Nights: Death Metal – Infinite Hours Exxxtreme!
Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Multiverse Who Laughs
Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Secret Origin
Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Last Stories of the DCU
Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Last 52: War of the Multiverses

Tie-in issues for big events are not for everyone, but this should help you decide how to spend your money and how deep to dive into Dark Nights: Death Metal

Written by Daniel co-host of the Next Issue Podcast
@eckospider on Twitter. 
Find the bi- Weekly podcast @NextIssuePod anywhere podcasts are available.
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  1. Pingback: Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 Review | Next Issue Podcast

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