As the King in Black has come to an end, the question arises, “What’s the reading order?”, and if you want that answer you can follow this link. The main objective of this article is to try to shed some light on the different levels of this summer Event, from MUST READ – all the way to a fun inconsequential TIE-IN. Hopefully this will help you decide how much to spend (or how much more to spend).

RECOMMENDED READING – This issues are suggested reading prior to King in Black
Venom by Donny Cates
MUST READ – These issues are all the Main Story and all are a big part of the King in Black
King in Black #1 – 5
Venom #31 – 34
Venom #200

TIE-IN SIDE STORY – These issues add depth to the world of King in Black and fill in a lot of the gaps that could not be covered in the main story. If you have a favorite character and did not see them enough on the main book, they may show up in one of these titles. These are the titles where you will see weird and fun team ups.
King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes #1 – 3
King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 – 3

ONE SHOTS – These issues are Stand Alone stories about specific characters, these stories do not directly impact the main story but they can add depth to the arc of each of the specific characters.
King in Black: Immortal Hulk
King in Black: Iron Man/Doctor Doom
King in Black: Black Knight
King in Black: Captain America
King in Black: Marauders
King in Black: Black Panther
King In Black: Wiccan and Hulkling
King In Black: Ghost Rider

STAND ALONE STORY – These issues are very stand alone but tell a complete story. These stories focus on a specific group of individuals with a specific task or goal that in the larger scheme is inconsequential to the main story. This does not mean these titles are bad or not worth reading. These titles are for those looking for a complete picture. These stories also are enclosed so can be read without reading the main title. (although some knowledge of what the King in Black and Venom would be helpful.)
Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black #1 – 5
King in Black: Namor #1 – 5
King In Black: Return of the Valkyries #1 – 4
King in Black: Gwenom Vs Carnage #1 – 3

OTHER TIE-IN – These are regular on going titles that took a small break to jump into a King In Black event. If you are a completionist, these Tie-Ins are for you
Atlantis Attacks #5
The Union #1 – 2
Black Cat #1 – 3
Spider-Woman #7 – 8
Guardians of the Galaxy #10
S.W.O.R.D. #2 – 4
Black Cat #2
Deadpool #10
Daredevil #26 – 27
Savage Avengers #17 – 18
Fantastic Four #29 – 30
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #23
Avengers #45
Written by Daniel co-host of the Next Issue Podcast
@eckospider on Twitter.
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